Quarantine, Cook & Repeat..

Living in the kitchen is not new to me. I have always cooked at least five days out of the week. Leaving the weekend for dining out or self serving.

Although, I usually end up cooking those days too. My husband and daughter are spoiled!!

I am sure this rings true for other avid cooks as well. The kitchen is our second home right?

So, you'd understand my surprise when I found myself in the kitchen even more than before. How is that even possible? 

I'll tell you how. 

Breakfast, lunch and dinner is apparently not enough!! 

Oh no..

We also now need specialty coffee, smoothies, gourmet snacks,  spreads, cheese boards and elaborate desserts. 

And if you're feeling real freaky you're making morning, afternoon and night cocktails. Because, a casual glass of wine is just not enough anymore!

I've patted myself on the back before for my culinary triumphs. But, now I'm just showing the hell off.

Baking breads, infusing honeys and developing specialty herb&spice blends... Yes, I am bragging a bit. 

Simply put. I create magic in the kitchen. Everything that I am feeling goes into what I cook or bake in the most amazing way possible. I am able to get into such a positive and self-fulfilling zone once I enter the kitchen.

Social media has shown me, that it is not just me or the other avid cooks that has been quarantine cooking. 

But everyone has found themselves in the kitchen much more than usual. Some for the mere fact that there is now a house full of eaters. Who are eating around the clock.

However, for a lot of us it is an escape to a place without limitation. There are minimal restrictions, if any at all when cooking. There are no requirements to wear a face mask or other protective gear. 

When your in the kitchen cooking. You can explore various flavor combinations, travel the world and play with colors. Cooking allows us to be bold and adventurous. To let off the stress and anxiety that this new way of living has abruptly thrown at us all.

It is a safe haven for me. A creative incubator of sorts. I don't feel at risk or on edge. I can dance with my daughter or enjoy delicious cocktails curated by my husband. I can open the refrigerator and pantry and literally dream up my menu for the day. Once I start there is no stopping. The end result is always fearless, confident and deliciousness filled with love and served to my family with a smile. It is my happy place.

This pandemic, although untimely and down right devastating has brought families, spouses and friends back together.

Be it cooking in the kitchen, home improvement projects, arts & crafts or at-home schooling. The time spent together during Covid-19 has been good for a lot of us, that are typically pretty busy and may not always make or have the extra time to spend together.

So, if you haven't already. Try a new recipe. Or maybe even pull out those legendary family recipes you've been wanting to try. Paint a room or have a coloring contest (my family has had several). Read a novel or listen to some new podcasts. 

Find your happy place. It's important to have these creative outlets to get us through!!

P.S. Don't forget to stay active. After all we have to work off the extra calories. :-)


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